My impressions of hearing the NosillaCast hosted by Bart and Chit Chat Across the Pond with Lola Wong. Tamrac Adventure 9 vs. LowePro Micro Trekker 100 camera bags. Matt Hillyer of the Stealth Mac Podcast gives us an update on the Tom Tom iPhone application and a freeware utility called Better Touch Tool from […]
Continue readingAuthor: podfeet
#237 Blackberry Storm 2, Blind Search, Mac Mini
Sports Authority rocks, Evan on the International Mac Podcast app for iPhone, and Blind Search to see which search engine you really like from Extensive Blackberry Storm 2 review – Industrial design, touch screen, editing typos, orientation, keyboard and screen real estate, moving applications, documents, audio and camera. In Chit Chat Across the Pond […]
Continue reading#236 Alesis 2 Mic Mixer, Don’t Defrag that Mac, WizMouse, EtherPad, Trick Images, Google DNS Service
More on two mic recording using Audio Midi Setup, and Caleb’s ideas on audio recording equipment that will only cost a kidney. Alesis 2 mic mixer:, Shure SM58 mic and Sennheiser E835 mic, Audio-Technica lavalieres Allison’s Amazon link, mic stand, XLR male to female cables from Why you don’t need […]
Continue reading#235 Bank Security, Recording 2 People, Windows 7 Impressions, iPhone Developers Leaving
Allister’s Listener Challenge, Steve’s dumb question about his banking site, and Curt’s dumb question about recording two people from one Mac without a Mixer. I’ll give you my impressions of Windows 7 after 4 weeks of nearly daily use. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart gives us a flood update on Ireland, we talk […]
Continue reading#234 VMware Fusion 3, Reminder, Ping!, Monoprice, Screenflow 2, ScreenSteps Sale, Mozilla Prism
VMware Fusion 3 on sale for $19 at Amazon, I finally get Belgian chocolates from Gazmaz of the UK. Michelle reviews Reminder from and Evan reviews Ping! from Buy your cables from for a steal. ScreenSteps is 40% off on Monday and Tuesday at Full review of Screenflow 2 from […]
Continue reading#233 Wetoku, Regator, Fluid for Banking
Update on Firefox accessibility on the Mac. In Dumb Question Corner Jacob asks about how to update themes in, and Sam questions the need for SuperDuper! if we can make bootable backups with Disk Utility. Matt and I experiment with wetoku at for recording video interviews. I review a blog aggregator website I’m […]
Continue reading#232 Twitter Lists, Magic Mouse, Night Camera, Brando Mini Mic, Acorn, Topaz Bundle
Free audio sound files from Freesound Project from and Sound Snap from Twitter lists – check out and Matt Hilyer of the Stealth Mac Podcast at and reviews the Magic Mouse from Apple, see his pictures of the Magic Mouse unboxing: In Dumb Question Corner William asks me […]
Continue reading#231 Interview with Mitchell Baker of Mozilla
In this exclusive interview (don’t they always call it “exclusive” to make it sound cool?) I talk to Mitchell Baker the Chairperson and Chief Lizard Wrangler of Mozilla about how you go from a failure to 24% market share using primarily volunteer labor across the world. Links from our discussion include Mitchell and John Lilly’s […]
Continue reading#230 MiFi Phone App, Blackberry Desktop for Mac, Camera Plus, PS Mobile, HotSpot Shield
iTivo from disappoints, but there’s hope in TivoButler and Popcorn (stay tuned). Donald reviews MiFi Phone App from Blackberry Desktop for Mac from works perfectly. Camera Plus for iPHone from and PS Mobile from give new tools to the iPhone camera. Bruce reviews HotSpot Shield from for a free VPN […]
Continue reading#229 Screen Sharing, Real Deal Podcast, Cash Tracker, Use Two Headphones, Open Wifi Hotspots
Terry’s Timescroller app gets noticed by Leo LaPorte, first look at Apple’s Magic Mouse, what I learned at Blogworld & New Media Expo. Donald Burr tells us about ScreenSharingMenulet program from Tom Merritt of the Real Deal Podcast ( loves the Nosillacast audience. Ramblin’ Rosie tells us about Cash Tracker from and Crazy […]
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