Two weeks ago, Bart Busschots and I recorded a Programming By Stealth episode covering more queries using the jq language on our JSON files. We spent so much time working through the challenges from the previous installment that we only made it halfway through his tutorial shownotes. So this week we’re back with the second […]
Continue readingTag: regular expressions
Assist Your Wordle with Taming the Terminal – Regular Expressions
If you’ve been on the Internet in the last few weeks, you’ve probably heard about a wonderful new word game called Wordle. Just in case you haven’t heard of it, or if you’re confused at all about it, let me give you a quick intro before I give you a way to help you play […]
Continue readingNC #833 OWC RAID & Synology Cleanup, Regular Expression Were Not the Answer, Synology QuickConnect + Drive for Work from Home
Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, April 25, 2021, and this is show number 833. This weekend, Steve and I went to see our kids for our birthdays (they’re fully vaccinated and we’ve had […]
Continue readingI Thought Regular Expressions Were the Answer
In the Programming by Stealth podcast I do with Bart Busschots, we had an assignment a while back to create a web app that would show the time in two different cities of their choice. I took the assignment up a notch and added a little slider you could drag to change the time in […]
Continue readingCCATP #626 — Bart Busschots on PBS 91 of X — JavaScript RE Objects
Bart takes us through the penultimate hat JavaScript wears and that’s Regular Expressions. Luckily since we haven’t talked about REs in ages, he reminds us of the syntax for Regular Expressions literals in JavaScript first and then he takes us through three common uses for Regular Expressions. We joked around during this episode at how […]
Continue reading2017 Year in Review Part 2 – What Am I Still Using?
Last week I went through the first half of the year, talking about all of the hardware and software I reviewed in 2017 to see what I’m still using and what has fallen by the wayside. If you haven’t read the first half, you can find it here. Let’s continue our journey and take a […]
Continue readingExpressions, Patterns & Regex101 Make Writing Regular Expressions Easy and Fun
In my post about using regular expressions to find matches in a text file, I promised to tell you about the two applications I used to help me write my regex. By the way, Regex is what the cool kids call Regular Expressions. Let’s state the problem to be solved first. If you have a […]
Continue readingCCATP #446 – Programming by Stealth – 18 of x JavaScript Miscellany
In this episode of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots takes us through the final stages of learning JavaScript within the playground. Now that we know about objects, we need to re-visit the arguments object present in every JavaScript function. We need to take a detailed look at the typeof operator, and we need to look […]
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