This week’s Programming By Stealth is a great lesson on how no matter how long you’ve been coding, you’ll still get caught out from time to time and think that the universe makes no sense. When Bart was working on the challenge from PBS 147, he ran into a bizarre situation for many hours. He […]
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CCATP #761 — Bart Busschots on PBS 146 of X – Shell Loops
As Bart continues our education in shell scripting, he explains the simplicity of looping. He explains the four types of loops: while, until, for, and select, along with the simple syntax of do/done within a loop. He walks us through a lot of examples that illustrate how each one of these loops work. He ends […]
Continue readingCCATP #759 — Bart Busschots on PBS 145 of X — Shell Conditionals
Bart continues his miniseries on shell scripting by teaching us conditionals in the shell. In order to explain why conditionals are a bit odd in shell scripting, Bart first walks us through how it was originally done and then shows us the evolution to a much better method. It’s still weird, and many things are […]
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