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Security Bits – 15 June 2019

Followups 🇺🇸 🇮🇳 Thanks to a letter sent to Facebook by US Senator Richard Blumenthal we now know that Facebook’s controversial VPN tracking app collected data on 187K users, and that 31K of those were in the US, and 4.3K of those were teens. The remaining users were in India —… Security Medium — […]

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Security Bits – 1 June 2019

Followups Andrew Orr at TMO got a bit of a sneak-peak at Cloudflare’s soon-to-be released Warp VPN (Editorial by Bart: support for a split tunnel is a nice touch) —… Security researchers have found that there are still nearly a million devices out there on the internet vulnerable to the BlueKeep RDP vulnerability Microsoft […]

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PBS Logo grey for Mojave dark mode

Security Bits – 3 May 2019

Followups Marcus Hutchins, the young security researcher who shot to fame by killing the WannaCry malware and then to infamy when he was arrested and charged with cyber crimes while traveling to the US to present at a security conference, has pleaded guilty to writing and selling banking malware. The offences pre-date his work as […]

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NosillaCast Logo - text says NosillaCast Podcast and EVER so slight Apple Bias. Main background is a gradient medium blue to lighter blue with a skyline of black silhouette buildings below. Behind the building are some geometric red shapes. And of course the prominent podfeet (two bare feet) are in the middle

NC #724 Sonova/Phonak Listening Device, Solo NY Region Backpack, WD Drive with WiFi, 2019 iPad Lineup, Security Bits

I was on the SMR Podcast this week. CSUN interview with Sonova/Phonak about their Assisted Listening Devices. My review of the Solo New York Region Backpack. Allister Jenks explains how well the Western Digital WiFi-enabled hard drive helps him. I try to help you decide which iPad to get with my 2019 iPad lineup comparison […]

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Security Bits – 8 March 2019

Followups The on-going Spectre/Meltdown saga Google: Software is never going to be able to fix Spectre-type bugs — 🇦🇺 Australia’s controversial anti-encryption law: Mozilla fears encryption law could turn its employees into insider threats —… FastMail Challenges Australia Encryption Law —… Grey-hat iPhone hackers Cellebrite are back in the news as older […]

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