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Security Bits – Bad Times for Facebook, Data Transfer Project, Bluetooth Bugs, Malware in the Mail

Pre-amble (by Allison) — Bad Times for Facebook Facebook lost $120B in value after their July Earnings call, which is the biggest one-day stock fall in history —… One root cause is that European advertising growth in Europe “decelerated more quickly than other regions” because of GDPR. Facebook Chief Financial Officer David Wehner said, […]

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Security Bits – USB Protected Mode, Exactis Breach

Followups 🇪🇺 EU Copyright Directive: Italy Wikipedia shuts down in protest at EU copyright law —… Copyright Directive legislation voted down by European Parliament —… (This is not the end of this legislation, but it is a significant setback.) Spectre/Meltdown Another variant has been discovered, but it’s similar enough to previous ones that […]

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Security Bits – Mostly Good News

Followup Following on from security breaches at the 3rd-party companies all American cell phone companies were sharing real-time location data with, Verizon have announced they are ceasing all location data sharing (the other carriers have ended their relationships with some specifics companies, but not globally like this) —… GDPR Fallout & Experiences: The Norwegian […]

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Security Bits – USB Restricted Mode, Apple’s Focus on Security in OS Announcements

Followups Telegram have now been able to update their apps on Apple’s non-Russian app stores —… The VPNFilter malware/botnet story continues to evolve as security researchers find more router makes and model are affected. Additions to the list include routers by Asus, D-Link, Huawei & ZTE —…,… &… 🇺🇸 As anticipated, […]

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Security Bits – VPNFilter, CallKit Removal in China, No Telegram Updates in App Store, End of Flash & Silverlight, Papua New Guinea Turns Off Facebook

Followups Spectre & Meltdown Details have been released of a new Spectre variant named Speculative Store Bypass, or SSB. The vulnerability affects AMD, ARM & Intel chips. Thankfully it can be mitigated quite easily, so it’s just a matter of applying software, OS, firmware, and microcode updates as they are released —…

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Security Bits – Efail, 4th Amendment, Glitch & ThrowHammer, Black Dot & Text-Bomb

Security Medium — The Efail Email Encryption Vulnerability The latest bug with a cool name and a cute logo is Efail, a mashup of the words email and fail. The bug affects encrypted email sent with both of the common email encryption protocols S/MIME & PGP/GPG. Under certain circumstances, the bug allows an attacker to […]

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