#418 NosillaCast 8 Year Anniversary, Knightwise Licks Vista, WordPress Security, Roku 3 vs AppleTV 3, Taming the Terminal Part 3

On this 8th anniversary of the NosillaCast, you’ll hear first hand what happened when Knightwise of knightwise.com challenged the Internets to get him 150 members to his Google+ community and how the NosillaCastaways helped, then Bart will jump in to answer a dumb question on how to be as secure as possible if you’re running […]

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#416 New IRC Chat Server, Wunderlist, Excel Conditional Formatting, Taming the Terminal Pt 2

New IRC Chat server for the live show courtesy of Donald Burr at irc.borgchat.net and room #nosillacast. Try third party chat clients Colloquy, Adium, or my favorite, Textual from CodeUX. Clarify document from Donald on how to get to the Super Seekrit Settings in the NosillaCast iOS App: dburr.clarify-it.com/d/vfkgjc. Review of Wunderlist from wunderlist.com. Allister […]

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