Bart continues his current dual path of teaching. We learn how to compare JavaScript objects (spoiler, you can’t use == or === to do it). After that he teaches us how using WAI-ARIA as we develop our code will make it accessible to screen readers and other assistive devices. We don’t do any real coding […]
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CCATP #474 Bart Busschots PBS 29 – JS Prototype Revision | Glyph Icons
I don’t want to jinx anything here, but I feel like I’m finally starting to “get” this JavaScript programming thing. In this episode of Programming By Stealth, Bart starts by talking about how we solved the challenges from last week, getting rid of “bad smells” by learning how to reuse our code. Then Bart teaches […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #472 – Bart Busschots PBS 28 – CSS Attribute Selectors & HTML Buttons
In this week’s installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart teaches us about how to change the look of HTML buttons using their CSS attributes. It’s great fun, but I have to confess we don’t actually get to the new stuff till over an hour into the show! We had so much fun going through the […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #470 – Bart Busschots PBS 27 – Introducing HTML Forms
On this week’s continuing series Programming By Stealth, Bart introduces us to HTML forms in order to take user input. It’s a pretty basic installment so not as head bendy as they have been lately. He also gives us some more repetitive homework to get more practice creating and using prototypes and accessor methods. The […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #465 – Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 25 – Case Study of a JavaScript API
Bart gave me another two weeks to get my homework done on Programming By Stealth and brings us a case study of how to create a JavaScript API on Github. He uses a real life example of a small, open source library he released over the weekend called barfificer.linkTookit.js. This library includes many of the […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #461 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 24 – Creating a JavaScript API
In this week’s installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart teaches us how to create a JavaScript API up to and including an easy way to create professional documentation in order to publish our work as a JavaScript library. In order to get there we learn how to write reusable and sharable code, how “closures” help […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #459 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 23 – Creating Elements with jQuery
In this installment of Programming By Stealth, we’re working towards our first truly practical assignment in the series – a function that finds all links on a page, and if, and only if, they lead to an external page, alters them to open in a new tab, and appends an icon indicating that fact. Bart’s […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #458 Allister Jenks on Programming as a Hobby and a Tool
Allister Jenks joins us to talk about how he uses programming as a hobby and as a tool for solving problems. In his always delightful way, he talks about early experiences programming and how they sparked such joy in him. We’re talking a TRS-80 clone here and a programmable calculator! He tells the story of […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #457 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 22 – jQuery Events
Bart Busschots joins us again for his continuing series called Programming By Stealth. In this episode Bart explains how to embed JavaScript into a webpage, how to control when JavaScript executes and then teaches us about the browser event model. Using this model he teaches us how we can change things on a web page […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #455 Bart Busschots Programming By Stealth 21 – jQuery Basics
In this installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart Busschots continues our baby steps into jQuery, keeping us inside the JavaScript console. He reviews some html and css basics and then teaches us how to select elements with jQuery, limit the search, and filter the results. Then he shows us how to start changing the css […]
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