Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, August 28, 2022, and this is show number 903. We have a HUGE show today. I recorded a fun conversation with Jill from the Northwoods about how she rearranged her house to create a comfortable and sound-treated podcast recording and editing studio. Then I’ve got Part 4 of my Tiny Mac Tips series. We have a quick non-tech product review from Bruce (aka @UseTheData in Slack). To finish us off, Security Bits with Bart Busschots and the special guest we’ve been teasing for weeks.
Home Battery Talk with Allison and Steve Sheridan
But before we get to that, I want to give a plug for Bodie Grimm’s Kilowatt podcast because Steve and I got to be guests on it this week. Bodie covers electric vehicle news, but also things like solar panels and batteries. He asked us to come on to explain how we chose to add whole-home batteries to our house, the decisions we made and the process to get them installed. It was great fun (anything with Bodie is) and I think you might enjoy hearing about how we became independent from grid energy.
This is actually part one of two because Bodie cut the interview into two pieces where the second half is about heat pumps. I should also mention that you’ll hear the EV news before the interview in episode 309 of the Kilowatt Podcast.
You can find the Kilowatt podcast in your podcatcher of choice or at the link in the show notes.
Jill from the Northwoods on Room Redesign for Audio Podcast Recording (no blog post)
Jill from the North woods does a lot of recordings for the NosillaCast and for her awesome Start with Small Steps Podcast. As she’s been simplifying her computing life and trying to streamline her podcasting process, she redesigned her room. I asked her to come on the show and tell me about it. She provided a before and after photo along with a link to the playful clouds she describes that she uses for sound absorption at www.amazon.com/….
After Jill and I recorded this segment, her friend came over and they recorded their first podcast work together, and she said she could tell the second she walked into the room how great the sound was. They got a bunch of things recorded and she said it sounded great. She has a background in radio so her endorsement made Jill feel confident that the room is ready for recording. That’s a pretty good endorsement of her new design.
There’s no blog post for this conversation, but I dropped a couple of photos into the blog post for this episode of the NosillaCast into the show notes showing the before and after of her new studio. In the before image you can see the anechoic chamber cave she recorded in before, and in the after image you can see her pretty colored clouds she put up to absorb sound. I can’t imagine how much more enjoyable it is to record with her new setup.

Tiny Mac Tips – Part 4 of X
Beeswax Wraps – by Bruce from East Tennessee
Support the Show
Before we kick into our special Security Bits, let me make a quick pledge break (as @Wheels would call it.) This show has no ads because of the generosity of listeners who choose to support the show financially. I don’t have to pretend to like products just to get money to make the show a success. If you’d like to help out like these wonderful folks, head on over to podfeet.com/patreon to become a regular contributor, of if you’d prefer a one-time donation from time to time, go to podfeet.com/paypal. I thank you in advance for your patronage.
# Security Bits — 27 August 2022 (With Tom Merritt 😀)
That’s going to wind this up for this week. Did you know you can email me at [email protected] any time you like? If you have a question or a suggestion just send it on over. You can follow me on Twitter at @podfeet. If you want to join the conversation, you can join our Slack community at podfeet.com/slack where you can talk to me and all of the other lovely NosillaCastaways. Remember, everything good starts with podfeet.com. You can support the show at podfeet.com/patreon or with a one-time donation at podfeet.com/paypal. And if you want to join in the fun of the live show, head on over to podfeet.com/live on Sunday nights at 5pm Pacific Time and join the friendly and enthusiastic NosillaCastaways. Thanks for listening, and stay subscribed.