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NosillaCast Logo - text says NosillaCast Podcast and EVER so slight Apple Bias. Main background is a gradient medium blue to lighter blue with a skyline of black silhouette buildings below. Behind the building are some geometric red shapes. And of course the prominent podfeet (two bare feet) are in the middle

NC #960 iPhone Speaker Problems, MacBook Pro Battery Problems, Questioning the Need for a MacBook Pro, Security Bits

Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, October 1, 2023, and this is show number 960. mp3 download We met Steven Goetz! If you’ve been listening to the NosillaCast for a long time, or even […]

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Security Bits logo - a green padlock with the words Security Bits to the right and in tiny letters below ithat it says 10101010 indicating a digital lock

Security Bits — 1 October 2023

Feedback & Followups Listener and community feedback, developments in recently covered stories, and developments in long-running stories we’re tracking over time. LastPass are finally forcing users to strengthen their master passwords —… (Note that this provides zero protection to what ever was in user’s vaults when the big breach happened last year!) Passkeys continue […]

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