PBS logo: a tiny ninja with a pale face surrounded on either side by two squiggly brackets denoting programming. Get it? Ninja is stealthy!

CCATP #793 — Bart Busschots on PBS 165 of X – jq: Variables

In this installment of Programming By Stealth, Bart explains why jq is uniquely designed not to need variables (most of the time) and then explains how to use them in the few instances when there’s no other way. It’s really a fairly straightforward lesson as Bart sets up some clear examples and solves them with some simple variables. It’s one of my favorite episodes because the problem is clear and the solutions are clear. It really shows off how clean jq is as a language.

You can find Bart’s fabulous tutorial shownotes at pbs.bartificer.net.

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Read an unedited, auto-generated transcript with chapter marks: CCATP_2024_05_11

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