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Find Any File – ScreenCastsONLINE Tutorial

In December, Christian from Germany sent in a review of an app called Find Any File. He explained that when he deletes an app, he uses Find Any File to hunt down all of the remnants of the app so he’s sure his system stays clean.

I downloaded Find Any File from and gave it a play and found a lot more problems it could solve. Think of Find Any File as an extension beyond what Spotlight can do. Over the last few months I’ve noticed I’ve been reaching for Find Any File more and more often.

When it came time to pick a tool to teach for my latest ScreenCastsONLINE video, I thought Find Any File would be a great choice. I always run my ideas by my editor (and good friend) J.F. Brisette, and I warned him that I was a little concerned this particular app might not have enough meat on them bones. By that I meant it was useful but I might have trouble coming up with 20-30 min worth of instruction about how to use the app.

As it turns out, I could not have been more wrong. As I dug in and did my usual discovery process, I found more and more that Find Any File could do. I was in contact with the delightful developer Thomas Templeton, and I asked him if he’d mind getting on a call with me to answer some of my questions.

My goal was to have him help me focus the vast capabilities into the most important features so I could fit the video into my 20-30 minute limit. But instead, the more I talked to Thomas, the more I learned it could do!

Check out the teaser video for my tutorial on Find Any File, which is a tool I reach for at least a couple of times a week. If you want to try out ScreenCastsONLINE to see the entire video, you can sign up for a free trial at

Teaser Video for Find Any File

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