Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, February 2, 2025, and this is show number 1030.
PBS 175 — GitHub Pages: Static Site Generators
In Programming By Stealth this week, Bart has started a new miniseries to teach us how to use GitHub Pages to create a website (for free.) In PBS 175, he starts by explaining what Static Site Generators (like GitHub Pages) are, and the pros and cons vs. a more traditional content management system like WordPress. Neither are wrong, they just solve the same problem in different ways. He then gives us the framework for the tools we’ll be using and lays out the next few lessons where we’ll get in and get our hands dirty. I’m extremely excited about this miniseries and I hope you will be too.
You can find Bart’s fabulous tutorial shownotes and the podcast at pbs.bartificer.net.
CES 2025: Hengbot’s Robotic Dog, Sparky
CES 2025: Light Matrix Naked Eye 3D Displays
XCOOL Qi2 Magnetic Phone Charger – a Very Thin 5000mAh Battery
CES 2025: Sharge Power Supply & Storage Products
CES 2025: Wonder’s Nature-Inspired Camera, Petal
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Security Bits — 2 February 2025
Transcript of NC_2025_02_02
That’s going to wind this up for this week. Did you know you can email me at [email protected] any time you like? If you have a question or a suggestion just send it on over. Remember, everything good starts with podfeet.com. You can follow me on Mastodon at podfeet.com/mastodon. If you want to listen to the podcasts on YouTube, you can go to podfeet.com/youtube. If you want to join the conversation, you can join our Slack community at podfeet.com/slack where you can talk to me and all of the other lovely NosillaCastaways. You can support the show at podfeet.com/patreon or with a one-time donation at podfeet.com/donate with Apple Pay or any credit card, or through podfeet.com/paypal. And if you want to join in the fun of the live show, head on over to podfeet.com/live on Sunday nights at 5 PM Pacific Time and join the friendly and enthusiastic NosillaCastaways. Thanks for listening, and stay subscribed.