#338 Time Machine, Blindfolded, Photography and the Mac, Quit All Apps, 3 in 1 Camera Lens, Apple Sandboxing

Time Machine review, Blindfolded accessibility update, Photography and the Mac Podcast Promo find it in iTunes. In Dumb Question Corner Professor Albert joins us again asking how to quit all running applications and gets a surprising answer. 3 in 1 Camera Lens review from Rod Simmons. George from Tulsa says some nice things about Podfeet.com […]

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#198 Hard Drive Adventure, Etherpad, Slideshare, ScribD, PowerPoint Exploit

Easy Wi-Fi for AT&T is no longer free, Al’s hard drive adventure (RocketFish enclosure, ICYDOCK enclosure. ScreenSteps live webinar at Blue Mango Learning. Etherpad for easy collaboration online at etherpad.com. Slideshare at slideshare.net for sharing of PowerPoint slides, and ScribD at scribd.com for sharing everything else AND PowerPoint. In CCATP we talk about the cross-platform […]

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