CES 2018: Magik AR Toothbrush for Kids

Allison interviews Holly Hasegawa from Kolibree about their Magik AR toothbrush. Magik is the first interactive toothbrush that uses Augmented Reality to motivate and educate kids to better brush their teeth. Magik uses computer vision to estimate the toothbrush position in the mouth as well as the movement the user is choosing. It comes with a mobile app that lets you know how well they brushed. Learn more at https://www.kolibree.com/en/

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1 thought on “CES 2018: Magik AR Toothbrush for Kids

  1. George - January 13, 2018

    My father had no cavities his entire life. He grew up in poverty, in youth in the Great Depression, sugar? You’re dreaming. Most important, he spent formative years on a homestead in the Four Corners region of Colorado where natural fluoride was in the well water.

    I grew up in much greater affluence. Sugar for my Frosted Flakes. Sugar in pop. RC Colas, 16 oz. Sugar, sugar, sugar. Cavities, cavities, cavities.

    Mom never watched me brush my teeth. Later, a dentist, after fixing painful potholes of cavities, sent me home with “disclosing tablets,” a lo-tech way to be sure brushing was done right. Didn’t use it (enough) – and Mom never checked.

    I limited my kids’ sugar. I brushed their teeth until they wer seven, then watched and verified they brushed right until age twelve. Both now adults. Neither has ever had a cavity.

    The gadget may work to train better brushing practice. The ‘rent needs to be in the room to be sure the kid isn’t “fake brushing,” to use Allison’s descriptor. Sitting downstairs in front of the TV and relying on the App while kids brush unsupervised? Kids, being kids, will game the gamificaton –

    Your two videos so far (good videos, by the way, interviews and production) have been about curiousities of perhaps dubious value. Is that representative of CES?

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