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Index Braille company logo with the company name in white text with all caps on a black background. Just above the company name are braille characters that spell INDEX. The first dot in the first braille character is green. Above and below and adjacent to the black background are two horizontal green stripes.

CSUN 2024: Index Braille High-Speed Embossers

Allison interviews Mikael Vikman Sunna, CEO of Index Braille about their affordable braille printers. Index Braille offers a full line of braille printers ranging from small and portable to full-size and high-speed embossers for production use. The Basic-D V5 is a portable tractor-fed braille embosser weighing 16.7 lbs. It handles double-sided braille and prints at […]

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Pair of Sony CRE-E10 self-fitting over-the-counter hearing aids. They are similar to normal earbuds and black in color with soft nibs that go into the ear canal and a small portion that protrudes from the canal for user control by hand.

CSUN 2024: Sony OTC Hearing Aids

Allison interviews Lauren Reynolds from Sony about their new self-fitting, over-the-counter hearing aids. Since these hearing aids do not require an evaluation and fitting from an audiologist, they are much less expensive and are easier to purchase than traditional hearing aids. Sony’s hearing aids come in a couple form factors. The CRE-C10 self-fitting hearing aids […]

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Ten B.fter paint containers with the following color/scent combinations: Red/Cherry, Orange/Orange, Yellow/Lemon, Green/Mint, Blue/Aqua, Prussian Blue/Earl Gray, Violet/Lavender, Brown/Wood, White/Cotton, and Black/Vanilla.

CSUN 2024: B.fter Aroma Art for Visually Impaired People

Allison interviews Angela Maeng from Another Day about their B.fter Aroma Art designed specifically for visually impaired people. B.fter is a paint kit designed to help the user distinguish colors by having a unique nature-oriented scent assigned to each color. Examples of the many scent/color combinations include lemon for yellow, cherry for red, and lavender […]

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