NC #558 Recon 50 Headset, Catalyst Waterproof Apple Watch Case, CleverPet, 3 Camera Shoot, Canary Home Security, 1Password All Vaults

We’re going to start with a short audio clip from George from Tulsa on the Recon 50 Gaming Headset that sounds great. Next up we’ll hear about the Catalyst Waterproof Apple Watch Case and the CleverPet Smart Pet Feeder. We’ll have a palette cleanser where I’ll explain how we did a three camera shoot for […]

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NC #550 I Love You Man, Will Apple Pencil Make You an Artist, Star Trails with E-M10, Apple Certificate Problems

In Chit Chat Across the Pond #413 Bart is back with a rather short installment of his series Programming By Stealth, this time taking a look at in-line elements for HTML. Download that episode here: I have a rather mushy discussion of how much the NosillaCastaways mean to me, I ask and answer the […]

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NC #547 – Podfeet Press, AppleTV 4, Goodbye Clarify, Goodbye Auto-Correct, Hello Magic Keyboard & Trackpad

NosillaCast News is now called Podfeet Press, sign up at Check out the screencast I did on Don McAllister’s ScreenCasts Online about Macphun’s Intensify CK: My review of the new AppleTV is mostly pros, with some cons. We say goodbye to long term sponsor Clarify from I tell you how I abandoned […]

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