generic icon of a camera, headphones and a speaker representing a gadget

I’m Still Using It

I’ve got an idea for a new segment for the show that I think might be really fun, and it’s an audience participation game. The segment is called “I’m Still Using It”.

Here’s my idea. If you’ve got a gadget or a piece of software that you’ve been using for a long time, write a couple of paragraphs about it. Tell us what problem it solves for you, approximately how much it costs, and why you would buy it again. Be sure to include a link to it if it’s still being made so others can buy it too. Maybe there’s a newer version out there but that’s ok to include.

Since these will be short segments, I don’t need you to even record them. I’m hoping I can get a pile of these to read to the audience, maybe in November in time for people to get ideas for gifts for nerds!

I’ve got a big battery pack I’m looking at that is still my go-to travel pack and I’ve got very specific reasons why it’s still the best I know about. I’ve got obscure software tools I told you about ages ago that I can explain why they still solve that one little problem.

I hope this idea tickles you as much as it does me! Send me an email at [email protected] and make the title “I’m Still Using It” and tell us why that one thing works so well that after a year or more it’s still your go-to. I’ll try to remind you a couple of times more before November but the sooner you write me a couple of paragraphs, the more likely that your “I’m Still Using It” idea will get on the podcast.

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