A few years ago, when the SMR podcast hosts took over the NosillaCast while I was on vacation, Tom Merritt of the Daily Tech News Show called it “The Crossover Event of the Summer.” Since then, the SMR hosts Rod, Chris, and Robb have all been on DTNS. Then Tom had Bodie Grimm of the […]
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Chit Chat Across the Pond is a weekly interview show on the topic of technology, or sometimes just with someone really interesting.
CCATP #738 – Bart Busschots on PBS 138 – Bundling a Web App/Site with Webpack (Part 1)
We’re back in the saddle after a summer of “PBS Adjacent” installments. Our last real PBS was learning how to use Webpack to bundle a JavaScript library for sharing with the world. That was cool, but a lot of us want to use Webpack to bundle a web app we’ve written ourselves to include all […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #737 Mark Pouley on Starlink Satellite Service
Mark Pouley, the photographer behind Twin Lakes Images lives in a home that is in an urban area, but on a long, private road that hasn’t been fed by fiber or cable. He and his wife also bought a vacation home in the far Northeast corner of the state of Washington where there’s very little […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #736 – Bart Busschots on PBS Tidbit 5 of Y — Tips for the Vacationing Programmer
I’m about to go on vacation where I suspect I’ll have little to no Internet to play with. It would be really cool if I could use any downtime (like on the 11-hour plane flight) to do some programming. Unfortunately, our code is often filled with references to content delivery networks to get needed libraries […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #735 Molly DeFrank on her Book “Digital Detox: The Two-Week Tech Reset for Kids”
In this week’s Chit Chat Across the Pond, I interview author Molly DeFrank on her book “Digital Detox: The Two-Week Tech Reset for Kids” along with Lindsay Tondee who put Molly’s advice to the test with her son Forbes. If you listen to my shows, you might find the idea of detoxing your children from […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #734 – Seamus Lavery on Raising a Service Dog for Guiding Eyes
e Quaid in the Drivers Seat of a Tesla In this week’s episode of Chit Chat Across the Pond, I’m joined by long-time NosillaCastaway Seamus Lavery. Seamus started posting photos of his black lab Quaid to the live chatroom, and then explained that he’s a “puppy raiser” for Guiding Eyes for the Blind. He agreed […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #733 – Brian Hoffman takes Solar to a New Level – Co-Interview with Steve Sheridan
Recently Tom Merritt and Sarah Lane of DTNS fame hosted what they called a Solar Round Table. The guests were NosillaCast Live Producer Steve Sheridan, an engineer working at AES Solar named Joe Briney, and Boeing 777 captain Brian Hoffman. I tell you that whole story because when Steve got off the phone, he started […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #731 – Bodie Grimm with Chris Ashley – Ford F150 Lightning EV
Chris and the new Hotness In yet another crossover episode of Chit Chat Across the Pond, Bodie Grimm of the Kilowatt Podcast joins me to talk about EVs. But this isn’t just any EV, we get to talk to Chris Ashley of the SMR Podcast and BBQ and Tech about his brand new Ford F150 […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #730 – Bart Busschots on Thinking About Security
In this Lite version of Chit Chat Across the Pond, Bart Busschots talks to us about he thinks about security. Rather than try to tell us with exacting precision what to do about a current threat, instead, he talks about how to be proactive, how to convince others to accept changes in the name of […]
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