Our guest this week on Chit Chat Across the Pond is John Siracusa of the Accidental Tech Podcast, Reconcilable Differences, and Robot or Not. He’s also the developer of two interesting Mac apps: Front and Center and SwitchGlass. You can find his blog at Hypercritical.co. You can find him on Twitter @siracusa I’ve been a […]
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Chit Chat Across the Pond is a weekly interview show on the topic of technology, or sometimes just with someone really interesting.
CCATP #728 — Bart Busschots on Why FIDO Passkeys Rock
Back in August of 2019, Bart Busschots told us about how someday in the future, we would be able to be living a passwordless future because of something called FIDO, AKA Fast ID Online. Back then it was really only helping corporations but this week the FIDO Alliance made an announcement that shows real promise […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #727 – Dr. Maryanne Garry on How Everything You Remember is Wrong
One of my pet peeves is podcasters who air reruns. Today I am that podcaster but I think I can justify what I’m doing so bear with me here. On June 1st, 2014, Dr. Maryanne Garry made her debut appearance on Chit Chat Across the Pond. In this terrific interview, she explains her research and […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #726 – Bart Busschots on Email on Your Own Domain
In this ~lite episode of Chit Chat Across the Pond, Bart Busschots explains why it’s a good idea to have an email address on your own domain. Then he digs deep into all of the different technologies involved in owning a domain, forwarding email, explains MX and NS records, and how to make sure you’re […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #725 – Erin Carson on Ear Worms and TikTok
This week our guest is Erin Carson, Senior Writer at CNET. She came on the show to talk to me about ear worms and the effect that TikTok is having on their prevalence. We go over the research she studied on earworms, finding out how long we’ve known about them, what goes on in our […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #724 – Bart Busschots on PBS 137 of X — Bundling a Library with Webpack
We have one more thing to learn as we gear up to actually start writing modern code for Bart’s HSXKPasswd tool. The last piece of our tool kit is a bundler. In this installment, Bart teaches what problems bundlers solve, and he explains why he chose the bundler Webpack for our project. After learning about […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #723 – Bodie Grimm Kilowatt Crossover on Self Driving, Solar Batteries, and More
While Steve and I were in Phoenix visiting Steve’s sister, we made a trip out to meet the awesome Bodie Grimm, host of the Kilowatt podcast at 918digital.com. Bodie’s show is all about electric vehicles, self driving, solar energy, and batteries. You can imagine that it would be impossible for a podcast to not break […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #721 – Bart Busschots on PBS Tibit 4 of Y — Rethinking a Web App – from Web Server to Cloud Stack
Over the past few months, podfeet.com went through a period of really poor performance. My site hadn’t been snappy in the last few years with page loads of up to 6 seconds, but it hit a tipping point where it was taking in excess of 40 seconds for pages to load. William Reveal and Bart […]
Continue readingMore TagCCATP #720 – Jill from the North Woods on Switching from Windows to Mac
Jill from the North Woods, host of the delightful and inspiring Start with Small Steps Podcast at smallstepspod.com decided a few years ago that she wanted to switch from Windows to the Mac. I was a bit of an enabler on this, so I’ve been watching her adventure with great interest. She recently made the […]
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