Every year after the Macstock conference I like to talk about what I learned and what the experience was like. This year, the 10th-anniversary event was even more amazing than ever. As Dave Hamilton said on the Mac Geek Gab, Macstock is like camp for nerds. Mike Potter continues to run a fantastic event and […]
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The Power of Learning by Teaching – Macstock 7
Allison Presents The Power of Learning by Teaching at Macstock 7 held in Woodstock, IL on 23 July 2023. In her talk, she explains how she learns new software by poking all the buttons, then poking at the developers, and finally, blogs about it podcasts about it, or even ScreenCastsONLINEs about it so that she […]
Continue readingProgramming By Stealth Makes Me Feel Powerful
Wordle Solved by Lucas s Python SCript Speaking of Python, Dave Hamilton (of the Mac Geek Gab podcast) bragged that his son Lucas had written a solver for Wordle in Python as well. It was in a private repo on GitHub so I asked for permission to see it. I bring this up not to […]
Continue readingdescript to Help Study for a Test – by Bodie Grimm
This script was created by otter.ai, an automatic transcription service. The original audio recording of this article was created by Bodie Grimm, creator of the Kilowatt Podcast at 928digital.com. To hear the audio version (especially the voices he mentions), listen to the NosillaCast podcast episode #868 which will be at podfeet.com/blog/2021/12/nc-868 when published on 23 […]
Continue readingCCATP #623 — Lila Brissette on Accessibility from a Young Person’s Perspective
While we were in Las Vegas for CES, we carved out some time to have dinner with our good friend, JF Brissette, who is also the editor of all of my videos for ScreenCastsOnline. He brought his daughter Lila to dinner and she started talking to me about her journey of discovery into accessibility on […]
Continue readingNC #767 MasterClass, Aquark Miniaturized Quantum Tech, Microsoft Support Rocks, GaN Charger Tech, GaN Chargers, Sense Electricity Monitor, GENNY Water Generation
Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, January 19, 2020, and this is show number 767. As we start this fun-filled, but not mammoth-sized episode, I have to wonder how many of you stayed till […]
Continue readingMasterClass Review by Terry Austin
Gordon Ramsay on Cooking Hello fellow castaways. Terry Austin here. I’ve GOT to tell you all about the best Christmas present ever that I sort of gave myself. My sweetheart got me $100 in iTunes gift cards from Costco at about 80% of value. Her mother got me another $50 in iTunes cards. So I’m […]
Continue readingMacSparky Presents — Keyboard Maestro Field Guide
Good friend of mine and great geek David Sparks has created another one of what he calls his Video Field Guides. This one is all about Keyboard Maestro. Keyboard Maestro is really misnamed. It’s not just a tool to make something happen when you hit a keystroke. It’s really a very advanced automation tool designed […]
Continue readingDuolingo – Guest Post by Terry Vogelaar
CCATP #441 Dr. Maryanne Garry on Cognitive Biases, Learning and Aging
Dr. Maryanne Garry, Professor of Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington joins us again to talk about two really interesting books about cognitive psychology. I enjoy talking to Dr. Garry because she reads real studies that follow scientific processes, where we mean those that explain studies which can be falsified (which are the only real […]
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