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CSUN 2019: Sonova/Phonak Roger Assisted Listening Devices

Allison interviews Helene Rydell from Sonova Phonak about their Roger assisted listening devices. Roger is a system of microphones and receivers designed to help people hear better under various conditions. Roger mics include the Table Mic which automatically selects and amplifies the person who is talking and the Select which allows the user to manually […]

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CES 2019: MPowerd Portable Solar-Powered Lights

Allison interviews John Salzinger from MPowerd about their range of portable solar-powered lights. John shows MPowerd’s LED Luci Lights which are all waterproof, collapsible, and very lightweight. Luci lights stay illuminated for hours on a single charge and provide a clean and affordable alternative to kerosene or propane lamps. They’re perfect for when you need […]

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