Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, May 31, 2020, and this is show number 786. So how fun was the Crew Dragon launch this week? I actually cried when that rocket took off. And […]
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Fun with Markup on iOS/iPadOS – Long-Form Content, Multiple Screenshots and Tools
Standard Screenshot in Markup on iPadOS I take a lot of screenshots on my Mac, iPhone and iPads. I use it to teach people how to use tools and to show developers where I have a question about their applications. I’ve reviewed a plethora of methods to take screenshots on macOS as a result. I […]
Continue readingMore TagNC #775 Math vs Language for Programming, LiftMaster, Why Android, Wallbox, Colgate, Radii, Fluid Simulation
Hi, this is Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Apple Podcast, hosted at Podfeet.com, a technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Apple bias. Today is Sunday, March 15, 2020, and this is show number 775. I really think I should build a random number generator to tell you the episode number since I can’t […]
Continue readingMore Tag“Become Happy” and “Connect to our Big Universe” with Fluid Simulation App
Lately I’ve been posting a lot of very deep technical articles, and reviews of very useful applications and products. But I think the time has come to review something frivolous and only for entertainment. I’ve found something that’s not a game but it’s also not productive in any way. It is so pleasing I have […]
Continue readingMore TagNextThere Public Transport App for iOS
For the many years I have carried an iPhone in my pocket I have always wanted a good way to check on public transport timetables. I’ve tried many apps over the years and while many were functional none offered me the simplicity I was after. A case in point is the official app of Metlink, […]
Continue readingMore TagCES 2020: FindOut Secure & Private Cloud and OCR Search
Allison interviews Alexandre Lach and Nawfal Sikal from FindOut about their private cloud and search engine. Using Findout, you can securely store all of your files (images, photos, PDFs, scanned documents, and all common file types) on your own personal cloud and view and edit them from anywhere you have an internet connection. With FindOut’s […]
Continue readingMore TagNC #752 Tunity Revisited, Flotato for iOS Apps on the Mac, Adding Forgotten Workouts to Apple Health, Sleep Tracking is Stupid, Security Bits
Terry Austin is back with a review of an app called Tunity that I reviewed ages ago (he’s got a different perspective). I’ll tell you about Flotato, an app that will let you run some iOS only-apps on your Mac. Then Sandy Foster tells us how to add a workout back into Apple Health if […]
Continue readingMore TagPrizmo 5 for iOS – by Christian Hölscher
Yes, I am aware of the fact that there have been a lot of scan apps for iOS that “replace” hardware scanners for some users. I have been a Scanner Pro user for years and that is a very good app. But, still, those apps are absolutely no replacement for a dedicated scanner as far […]
Continue readingMore TagNC #740 Digital Honk, Copy/Paste Plain Text on iOS, Tech on Travel, Security Bits
I can’t thank Bart and Allister enough for their help with the shows while we were vacationing in Chile. You may have received a version of Allister’s show that had the oddest digital honking noise on Sandy’s review – I’ll explain in this show what we think happened. Then I’ll answer a dumb question about […]
Continue readingMore TagDumb Question Corner – How to Copy/Paste Plain Text on iOS?
Steve Davidson sent in a great dumb question. I define great as “Clearly explained without an obvious answer, and yet I eventually figure it out.” Here’s Steve’s question: Hi, Allison. I have a stumper for you. Using my iPad, I frequently find myself putting together a document by drawing information from multiple sources (e.g., planning […]
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